Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Bought a car on finance which was repossesed but they are trying to put a charge on a house where i

the car was repossesed as i didnt pay the finance they sold the car at auction and want the remainning balance but the house they are trying to put a charge on is a house that i bought with my brother in 1992 and have not lived there since that time i helped my brother to get a mortgage, can they put a charge on that house even though the finance was taken out at another address

Bought a car on finance which was repossesed but they are trying to put a charge on a house where i dont live?

don%26#039;t know

Bought a car on finance which was repossesed but they are trying to put a charge on a house where i dont live?

Yes they can, your name is on the deed so they can.

Bought a car on finance which was repossesed but they are trying to put a charge on a house where i dont live?

One sentence: Get responsible about your finances, you leech.

Bought a car on finance which was repossesed but they are trying to put a charge on a house where i dont live?

They can go after any asset(s) held in your name.

If your name is on the property deed then thay can go after it.

I suggest you contact them and try working out a payment plan.

Bought a car on finance which was repossesed but they are trying to put a charge on a house where i dont live?

they can and will go after anything that is under your name

Bought a car on finance which was repossesed but they are trying to put a charge on a house where i dont live?

If its in your name then yes they can, I suggest paying off the remaining balance unless you want your brother to lose his property

Bought a car on finance which was repossesed but they are trying to put a charge on a house where i dont live?

If your name is on that mortgage - YES they can.

Bought a car on finance which was repossesed but they are trying to put a charge on a house where i dont live?

If your name is on the mortgage it is an asset that you own, so yes they can try to get the money through that house.

Bought a car on finance which was repossesed but they are trying to put a charge on a house where i dont live?

any personal property that is in your name can be attached for debt owed in most places

Bought a car on finance which was repossesed but they are trying to put a charge on a house where i dont live?

Yes, they can, if the house is in your name.

Bought a car on finance which was repossesed but they are trying to put a charge on a house where i dont live?

yes they can , your name is on the deed, you own the house and they can put a lien on it and your brother is going to be soooo mad. good luck!

Bought a car on finance which was repossesed but they are trying to put a charge on a house where i dont live?

Answer some of other peoples questions then maybe they will want to answer yours.

Bought a car on finance which was repossesed but they are trying to put a charge on a house where i dont live?

It is your property and the address is immaterial. Pay the remaining balance, or the lien will exist to haunt you forever.

Bought a car on finance which was repossesed but they are trying to put a charge on a house where i dont live?

They can put a lien on anything that is in your name. If you are still on the title of that property, they can put a lien on the house. You need to make arrangements to pay off this balance so your brother does not suffer because of your financial irresponsibility.

Bought a car on finance which was repossesed but they are trying to put a charge on a house where i dont live?

Yes they can. If you buy something, you have to pay for it. Dumping the payments and walking away is not an option;they are a company to whom you made a request for finance, and they have a right to recover what you owe.

Bought a car on finance which was repossesed but they are trying to put a charge on a house where i dont live?

yes, they can access as much payment they need to clear whatever they need. When making an purchase on credit such as a car, they are usually attached to house or possessions.

Bought a car on finance which was repossesed but they are trying to put a charge on a house where i dont live?


Bought a car on finance which was repossesed but they are trying to put a charge on a house where i dont live?

Yes they can. Call them and see if you can pay it off in installments and arrange for your name to be taken of the house deeds.

It is in your brothers best interest not to have you on the mortgage anymore.

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