I just financed a car and traded in my old car. They asked for $3,000 down so I wrote them two checks. One is good for 3/27 and the other for 4/10. They were fine with this arrangement and I signed all of the paperwork.
As I was unloading the crap out of my old car and putting it into the new car the finance lady came out to talk to my salesperson. She told him the second check was no good and they couldn%26#039;t take a check for April. They needed the additional $1500 by March 31. I am not going to be able to come up with that money. I told the salesman I could ask my Mom but chances are slim. He said not to worry about it, enjoy my new car, call him on Tuesday.
If I can%26#039;t come up with the $1500 before March 31 are they seriously going to take back a $27,000 car over waiting 2 weeks for $1500?
I just financed a new car and now they want more money. Can they do that?
Read your paper work. Did it mention anything about the down payment in two installments? If it said the 27th and 10th then you have a contract.
If they already put down you paid 3,000, then I am not sure they could try to reverse the contract.
I think they did this on purpose. They wanted to close the deal, then come back and try to get all the down payment sooner than they agreed to.
They will not reverse the contract. It would be too expensive for them as the car already has miles on it.
I just financed a new car and now they want more money. Can they do that?
I would say if they let you drive off with it they wouldnt do anything. If they had that much of a problem with it they wouldnt have let you take the car of the lot.
I just financed a new car and now they want more money. Can they do that?
Yeah, you%26#039;ll be fine. They%26#039;d LOVE to get the money prior to April because that way they could finalize the sale for March, and have it count towards their numbers that way.
But they%26#039;re not going to unwind the deal because your downpayment check isn%26#039;t good until April.
Don%26#039;t succumb to their pressure. There%26#039;s no way they%26#039;re going let the deal fall through over a 2 week wait for down.
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